Here’s Why You Should Get Paid for Taking Vacations

Why You Should Get Paid for Taking Vacations

Do you work hard to make money? Then you should get paid for taking vacations. 

There are lots of reasons someone might want to take a vacation, but the most obvious is relaxation. Everyone needs some time to relax after working hard and making their livings. However, most people can’t afford to take that much time off because they won’t be getting paid for it. 

A common phrase says “Life is short, Take vacations.” And it’s true! Life is so short and there are so many things out there that you could experience if you just took the time to stop working and see them. But getting paid isn’t one of those. When I go on vacation, I don’t get paid. I have to use my savings to take the time off, which is extremely stressful. So why should you get paid for taking vacations? Sometimes it’s necessary to spend some time at work because you need the money! But other times it might just be a nice break before continuing on with life.

Taking vacations could benefit your physical health as well. If someone doesn’t have enough vacation days saved up, they might not feel comfortable leaving their job for too long because of their financial situation at home. However, working all the time can cause stress that could cause someone to be angry and short-tempered with family and friends or even develop health problems like high blood pressure and heart disease (which most people know is not good). Stress can also decrease your immune system, making you more susceptible to illness. A study done by the Journal of Psychosomatic Research concluded that “vacationers reported significantly fewer minor health problems during vacations than nonvacators.” Taking a break from work can do so many things for someone’s physical health.

A vacation not only helps people physically but mentally as well. It can refresh someone who feels drained after working all day or every day. Spending time away from workforces someone to get out of their comfort zone and try new things they never would have without being on vacation. For example, if I was stuck at my job doing something extremely monotonous over and over again all week I wouldn’t bother trying anything new. However, if I’m on vacation I might want to try something different and that can end up being very beneficial for my mental health. 

Studies have shown even simple things such as trying a new lunch spot when you’re on vacation could help someone be more creative back at work because they were exposed to so many new ideas while not working.

“Scientists argue that when we disengage from our usual activities—when we stop thinking about the things we usually think about and doing the things we usually do—we give our brains an opportunity to make new associations,” claims the author of “The Distracted Mind: Ancient Brains in a High-Tech World,” Dr Adam Gazzaley. 

The possibilities are endless! Taking a break from work can benefit someone’s physical and mental health so much.

All in all, people should get paid for taking vacations because it is extremely healthy for someone to do so both mentally and physically. Not only that, but it could also help them financially because they’re not wasting their money. The list of benefits goes on and on! Hopefully, after reading this article you will want to take more time off your next vacation to fully enjoy what you are doing.

Why You Should Get Paid for Taking Vacations Do you work hard to make money? Then you should get paid for taking vacations.  There are lots of reasons someone might want to take a vacation, but the most obvious is relaxation. Everyone needs some time to relax after working hard and making their livings. However,…